Information for Government Election Officials
Voter and Election data that appear on the Who Voted website are provided by the Elections Departments in states and counties around the United States. We only make Voter Data available over the Internet where permitted by law.
We rely on the cooperation of state and county elections officials to make this public information freely and easily available to citizens. Many offices charge hundreds or thousands of dollars for voting history data, which the website's (administrators) unfortunately cannot afford.
If you can provide voter or election data for use on the Who Voted website, please contact us. Details are at the bottom of this page.
What voter data are used?
Here are the fields that we will harvest from the uploaded files and make available to the public:
- Voter Registration ID
- Voter Name
- County
- State
- Zip Code
- Political Party
- Election History
Other information is discarded.
Uploading new voter data
Direct data uploads to the Who Voted website are currently disabled to the general public. Until the following concerns are addressed, only a Who Voted site administrator may upload the data.
- We haven't studied the feasibility that executable source code can be embedded in an uploaded file, presenting a security risk for the Who Voted Website.
- We don't yet have a sufficient mechanism to ensure that the data uploaded is legitimate, unless we have a Who Voted site administrator do it.
How to Contact Us
Who Voted Project
c/o Todd Davies
Symbolic Systems Program
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-2150 USA
E-mail: davies (a) csli dot stanford dot edu
Note: Please substitute the proper @ symbol for the (a) when sending email. (We use (a) here to discourage spam.)
Project team: Todd Davies, Jeffrey Gerard, Reid Chandler, and Gordon Lyon