About Who Voted
The Who Voted? website provides data concerning which voters are recorded as having voted (and by implication not having voted) in a given election. This information is public record and provided by the Elections Departments in states and counties around the United States.
- Why did we create this website?
- Who Voted? is Free Software.
- Does this website violate my privacy?
- Why aren't more states represented?
- What should I do if my voter history seems incorrect?
- Info for Gov't Election Officials.
Contact Us
Who Voted Project
c/o Todd Davies
Symbolic Systems Program
Stanford University
Stanford, California 94305-2150 USA
E-mail: davies (a) csli dot stanford dot edu
Note: Please substitute the proper @ symbol for the (a) when sending email. (We use (a) here to discourage spam.)
Project team: Todd Davies, Jeffrey Gerard, Reid Chandler, and Gordon Lyon